Travel Planner

“Michigan's First Rails-to-Trails: Celebrating 50 Years”
Episode #1702 Travel planner
In 1969 there were no Rail Trails in Michigan until the folks in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula banded together to make the old Superior Railroad line into the first one and by 1970 it was a reality. 2020 is the 50th anniversary and we will bike, ATV, snowmobile and ride on horseback to discover the beauty and history traveling from Lake Superior to Lake Michigan on Michigan’s first Rails to Trails.
Haywire Grade Trail

Location: 33 Miles between Manistique and Shingleton, Michigan
Opened in 1970, the Haywire Trail was the first rail-trail in Michigan; it follows the former Manistique and Lake Superior Railroad. The multi-use pathway is primarily used by ATV riders in summer and snowmobilers in winter. The trail is also open to mountain biking, hiking and horse riding.
The trail runs from M-94 south of Shingleton to the Water Intake Plant in Manistique on a surface of gravel, dirt and sand. It also includes ballast from the old rail bed upon which it runs, making travel difficult for bikes and horses in some spots.
- Haywire Grade Trail [Visit Manistique]

50th Anniversary Events

Location: Haywire Trailhead where Riverview Drive meets Intake Park
GPS: 45°58'30.5"N 86°14'47.8"W (45.975129, -86.246612)
Southern trailhead of the Haywire Grade Trail located near the Water Intake Plant in Manistique.
Location: 180 N Maple Street - Manistique
Phone: (906) 341-3863
Staging location for many of the 50th Anniversary Events
Location: 5350N State Hwy M-94 - Manistique
Phone: (906) 573-2414
Jack Pine Lodge is 15 miles south of Shingleton and 19 miles north of Manistique. The lodge is surrounded by the Hiawatha National Forest land in Schoolcraft County. The Jack Pine Lodge's Bar and Grill offers a full bar, a menu and specializes in handcrafted pizzas.
Location: 300 New Delta Ave - Manistique
Phone: (906) 341-4488
They maintain the trail system in their sector of the Central Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The SCMTA strives to provide a medium for exchange of snowmobile and ORV information and to be the catalyst between government entities, businesses and snowmobilers and ORV enthusiasts.
The DNR is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state's natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. They strive to protect natural and cultural resources, ensure sustainable recreation use and enjoyment, enable strong natural resource-based economies, improve and build strong relationships and partnerships, and foster effective business practices and good governance.
The US Forest Service aims to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the Nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.
- Hiawatha National Forest [USDA Forest Service]
Location: Location: 46°0'17.1792"N 86°23'6.1692"W (Manistique, Michigan)
Approximate Size: 388 Acres
Phone: (906) 341-2355
Palms Book State Park is located at the northern terminus of state highway M-149, a fifteen minute drive north of US-2 at Thompson. It is a rewarding side trip for the vacationer touring the Upper Peninsula, for here can be seen one of Michigan's alluring natural attractions -- Kitch-iti-kipi, The Big Spring. Two hundred feet across, the 40-foot deep Kitch-iti-kipi is Michigan's largest freshwater spring. Over 10,000 gallons a minute gush from fissures in the underlying limestone. The flow continues throughout the year at a constant 45 degree Fahrenheit. By means of a self-operated observation raft, visitors are guided to vantage points overlooking fascinating underwater features and fantasies. Ancient tree trunks, lime-encrusted branches and fat trout appear suspended in nothingness as they slip through crystal waters far below. Clouds of sand kept in constant motion by gushing waters create ever-changing shapes and forms, a challenge to the imagination of young and old alike.
- Kitch-iti-kipi [Visit Manistique]
- Palms Book State Park [Michigan DNR]
50th Anniversary Celebration Snowmobile Event

Feb 29, 2020
Route Description: Little Bear Arena Festivities and start-of-ride/ to Intake Park Trailhead (2 Mi.)/ to Jack Pine Lodge (17.0 Mi.)/ continue to Shingleton- optional (17 Mi.).
This ride is a “casual” snowmobile ride and is family oriented. The trail terrain is mostly flat and groomed by the local trail Grant Sponsor, Schoolcraft County Motorized Trails Association. Trail permits and helmets are required. Law enforcement support will be available at the M-94 crossings from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Trailheads and parking are available at Intake Park Trailhead and JackPine Trailhead. There are also many other optional riding opportunities in the area to complement this Ride Event.
- Snowmobiling [Visit Manistique]
50th Anniversary Celebration Equestrian Event
June 6, 2020 - canceled due to COVID-19 (hoping to be rescheduled in the future)
Route Description: 7.5 mile loop beginning and ending at JackPine.
The Horseback Ride will be a 7.5 miles beginning and ending at Jack Pine Lodge. The second mile is along the Haywire Trail and is rocky so horse shoes or boots are recommended. The trail can also be traversed slowly by most horses. The trail travels onto two-track forest roads along East Lake. The lake can be entered optionally by riders through two camping areas with lake access where the horses can water. Riders should carry bug spray for the horses and for themselves. There may be water on the trail so horses should be comfortable travelling through water. The ride will start at 10:00 am and support services will be provided until 2:00 pm.
50th Anniversary Celebration Biking Event

Aug 22, 2020 - canceled due to COVID-19 (hoping to be rescheduled in the future)
Route Description: Little Bear Arena Festivities and start-of-ride/ to Intake Park Trailhead (2 Mi.)/ to Jack Pine Lodge (17.0 Mi.)/ continue to Shingleton- optional (17 Mi.).
This ride is a “challenge” ride and not for the faint of heart. Although the terrain is mostly flat, the surface varies greatly including gravel, loose soil and sand, with seasonal wet spots that vary from season to season. (ATBs, mountain bikes, fat tire bikes and e-bikes with mountain bike tires are recommended). Off-road riding experience is recommended. Helmets are required. Prepare to cover up and carry bug spray as the trail traverses forested and marshy areas. Event services will be provided along the route from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Trailheads and parking are available at Intake Park Trailhead and JackPine Trailhead. Shuttle Services can be provided (optional) for a nominal fee for one-way riders. There are many other optional riding opportunities in the area to complement this Ride Event.
50th Anniversary Celebration ORV Event

Oct 3, 2020 - canceled due to COVID-19 (hoping to be rescheduled in the future)
Route Description: Little Bear Arena Festivities and start-of-ride/ to Intake Park Trailhead (2 Mi.)/ to Jack Pine Lodge (17.0 Mi.)/ continue to Shingleton- optional (17 Mi.).
This ride is a “casual” ORV ride and is family oriented. The trail terrain is mostly flat and groomed/grated by the local trail Grant Sponsor, Schoolcraft County Motorized Trails Association. Trail permits and helmets are required. Law enforcement support will be available at the M-94 crossings from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Trailheads and parking are available at Intake Park Trailhead and JackPine Trailhead. There are also many other optional riding opportunities in the area to complement this Ride Event.